1·"Today, Russia doesn't look better or worse than the rest of the world," Evgeny Bryun, Moscow's chief physician, said this week.
“如今的俄罗斯和世界上的其他国家差不多。”莫斯科的首席医师Evgeny Bryun本周如是说。
2·The average Russian now drinks 15 litres of alcohol per year - up from 5.4 litres in 1990, the report by Russia's chief physician, Gennady Onishchenko, found.
俄罗斯的首席医师Gennady Onishchenko的报告中发现,俄罗斯人均每年饮酒15升——比起1990年的5.4升,上升明显。
3·Dr. Wang Wei, associate chief physician of Clifford Hospital, suggests patients could try the medical ozone treatment when the traditional treatments don't work.
4·The doctor's name: Wang Jing civilian say : chief physician physician specialty: Department of Hematology experts schedule: Western: Blood clinic, Thursday morning.
医生姓名: 王景文职称: 主任医师医生专长: 血液科专家出诊时间: 西区:血液门诊,周四上午。
5·At present has physician-in-charge, professor 1, deputy chief physician 2, doctor 1, master 2, the graduate student leads 1, goes abroad to study returns personnel 1;
6·Hospital provincial authorities, neurology chief physician, said Xiaolin quarter, stroke, also known as "stroke", divided into cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage.
7·The doctor's name: Sun Yongchang Title: chief physician: physicians with expertise in respiratory department experts schedule: Western: respiratory clinic, Tuesday morning.
8·Method all the nursing staff in different levels attended the ward rounds directed by chief physician periodically, and accepted his instructions and advices on nursing works.
9·Existing physician-in-charge 4 people, deputy chief physician 2 people, the majority of experts have in the overseas lecture experience, young doctor has doctor or the master's degree.
10·Prof Dr Cui is the professor and Chief physician at Guang'anmen Hospital and the Director of International Training Centre of Clinical Acupuncture & TCM WHO Collaborating Centre for TM, Beijing.